GitLab Technical Writing Fundamentals
The GitLab Technical Writing Fundamentals course is available to help both GitLab and community contributors write and edit documentation for the product. This course provides direction on grammar, writing, and topic design.
The GitLab Technical Writing Fundamentals self study course is available to help both GitLab and community contributors write and edit documentation for the product. This course provides direction on grammar, writing, and topic design.
Estimated Effort Course Format Access Duration
3 Hours 3 self-paced lessons Unlimited
This is an entry level course, no prerequisite knowledge is required. Although a basic understanding of Technical Writing would be useful. The first recommended action in the course is to complete Google's Technical Writing One pre-class material. It provides excellent introductory information that is important to the GitLab Technical Writing Fundamentals course.
Primary Audience
- Users with an interest in improving their Technical Writing Skills in relation to GitLab.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this self-paced course, learners will:
- Improve skills in both writing and editing documentation for the GitLab product.
Technical Requirements
- GitLab Access: Access to a free GitLab account is recommended to practice the concepts taught in this course.
- Browser: No Internet Explorer